Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Where's my Pineapple?

As a kid, I often asked questions no one would answer. For example, after seeing a pic of the numero uno duo - I’d ask “Why do Adam and Eve have belly buttons? They weren’t born” or “Why do I have to live here on Earth for Adam and Eve’s disobedience?” or “Why don’t they enter the dirt lorry guys into the Olympics? Those guys run behind trucks all day hoisting heavy containers – and whistle while doing it!” and I’d get a beautifully worded ripostes that went along the lines “tuck in your shirt and stop asking dumb questions, you daffidol!”.

But over the years, these questions became more complex. Like “If what Paul wrote is true and it is appointed for all man to die ONCE and thereafter Judgement, is Lazarus still alive? Or “Before The Big Bang, before Time, Space and Matter – there was no light, no dark, no sense of space. What was there?” It didn’t just end there. I didn’t focus primarily on religious texts. My interest was science – physics specifically. And as I grew older, my brain became a sponge, assimilating terabytes of information, processing, cross referencing, analysing and calculating. With all this brain activity, my short term memory took a beating.

Often when my better half (I call her The Minister of Finance – she deals with money matters. I’m useless when it comes to anything cash related) – sends me to do something, I end up doing something completely stupid. Yesterday for example, she asked me to buy milk at the local store. I leap at any opportunity to ride my bike and savour the false freedom associated with it. I got to the grocer, completely forgot why I was sent there, saw pineapples were on sale, guessed I was sent for that and came home with a crumbled till slip. I left the pineapple at the checkout point. I went back to the shop, got the milk from the fridge, retrieved my forgotten pineapple and was about to pay when I realised I’d left my wallet at home.

 Man was given a Choice”, any religious finger pointing suit wearing reverend would say. But shortly afterward he would say “Never question the Bible”. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. The Bible is a collection of scripture, spiritually inspired, but written by man. So is the Torah, Telmud, Quran, etc. It’s written by man. Man. The first task given to us, we messed up royally! A simple command: “Don’t eat from that tree” we obliterated.

However, I’m happy to conclude that though I’ve found answers to many of these questions, more beckon. For example –
-Adam and Eve were created, therefore they didn’t have navels. However, when they were cast from paradise (not heaven btw), the navel became a sign of sin.
- Every time I give in to temptation, like Adam and Eve, I am eating from that tree.
- I won't comment on the Lazarus bit just yet. I'll do that later.
- before the Big Bang, there was nothing. But our limited minds can’t grasp it. There was no colour, no big emptiness, nothing that we can relate to on a physical level. Chaos. Hence the Verse “Let There Be Light!”. In other words “Let there be order! Let things make sense! Let there be rules that govern this reality!” The Sun only came along later.
- Question All religious documents. Question Everything. Man was given a choice. To choose, one must decide. To decide, one must reason. To reason, one must question.

So this is my first bit at displaying my findings. Whether you agree with it or not is your decision. However, I implore you to discover the answers to questions you’ve been wanting to know about. Don’t let it fester. Find it! Every religious text promotes wisdom. However, in our foolhardy way of life, man pursues knowledge. After all, it’s the Tree we ate from.

I didn’t get the milk by the way. The Finance Minister did.
And they won’t enter the dirt lorry guys into the Olympics because they smell of old bins and people don’t like that smell.  


  1. Nice write up! Can be topically elaborated on even further which is cool for future blogs.

    I'd like to get your full perspective on 'before the big bang' though.

  2. Thanks Gid

    To answer your question, we have to look at the physics of this universe. The rules that govern everything we know we call Laws but in fact, they're more like twigs and branches of a tree. Every small discovery we make connects to another bigger breakthrough. Some branches are far from each other but they both belong to the same tree. Take Quantum Theory vs Einsteins Relativity Theories - they clash and contradict each other on many levels, but they're both accurate. Different branches, same tree (Funny how Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, hey ;) - So, with this in mind, darkness in this reality is merely the absence of light. Depth or distance is a perception of space between or not between things. All these things started off with the Big Bang. Laws, Principles, Order, etc.
    Before the Big Bang - there was nothing. No colour or space or anything. Nothing. No Laws, no principles, no rules, no light, no dark, no little bits of stuff floating around (because there was nothing for it to float around on) - no vast emptiness (because space is based on our reality). There was Zilch.
    Incidentally, scientists agree that there must have been "a thought" that commenced the Big Bang ;)

  3. Now see, you say that in order to answer the question we need to look at the physics of this universe...but my opinion is that there may be more to it than the time and space created 14bill years ago.

    The reason I asked is because I have a particular theory. What if that our universe is one of many layers. It was born into nothing, born into time and not with it, but within a series of preexisting universes and ending universes. Not necessarily born from them but around them, like little droplets in a very very calm pond with an ever expanding ripple. With the 'born from' theory, perhaps as the ripples intersect cosmic coitus takes place and the time stork delivers a newborn baby universe a mere 14 billion year old toddler today. With the born around them idea, we have to accept that a catalyst causes a reaction that causes the birth of a system of laws, principles, protons, electrons, photons and eventually Duke from Backstage.

    I like my first idea though, since I have not seen anyone else theorize it on the net as yet. It's quite extreme but so was the idea that 500yrs ago the Earth was round.

    Your explanation is one we spoke of before and one I wholeheartedly agree with. Kassam. But I'm starting to think (as you can tell) that we're confining our understanding to one set of laws, to one incident in isolation, to one universe. The prefix 'Uni' itself means 'one'. To not believe in the possibility of more than one universe to to be of the similar group who believes that us crude products of nature a mere pinprick of existence are the ONLY product of all these magnificent cosmic events we're yet to understand. I know there's the multiverse theories out there but we will always end up asking the same question applicable to our universe.

    Also, I'm starting to hate that sect of science that when faced with an improbable and inexplicable conundrum...they revert to the 'God Gap' as the probable filler. That's so 1600's.

  4. Ok,

    We're still in an infancy stage when it comes to understanding.
    Quantumn physics does delve into your theory, that we have multiple universes overlapping and not overlapping and existing and not existing (take a sub-atomic quark for example - it can be in 2 places at the same time and be nowhere in our universe at the same time, pending on whether it's observed or not). You may be right. You may be wrong. It's baffeling. It's beyond our meager primitive understanding. It's leaving the greatest thinkers ever born saying things like "er" and "♫♪what the fuuuq♫♪"...and my IQ is only limited on 134 according to that stupid tests I did (wish I was in the genius pool - feels like I'm sitting in a bakkie full of Zimbabweans on the way to go clean those clever bastards lawns and pools).

    Your question was based on the Big Bang and I could only give you what happened after the Big bang, what I learned and understand. What I comprehend. Because of the Laws, we're bound to this plain and it's impossible for us to view what happened before it. We can only rely on decaying evidence to deduce (like the 1% static you see on a snowy TV screen - left over reminants of the Big bang).

    However, because of this, free thinkers like you must exist. Come to your own understanding. Encourage others to contemplate as well. Question! Dala what you muss!

    Mankind has always feared what we do not understand. But it is the duty of the pioneer to seek out courageously the truth and boldly go where no man has gone before ♪♫de te dur de de de dur te dur (and cue Star Trek them song)

    ...now who told you the Earth was round? Cause it's flat (slowly reaches for a big wooden stake and the lighter fluid)
